subject  :   New SSPA Module AMP1124: 0.7-4.2GHz, 200W CW
writer : ADMIN

New SSPA Module AMP1124: 0.7-4.2GHz, 200W CW

Exodus introduces AMP1124 which provides a typical output power of 100W P1dB and 200W Psat across 0.7-4.2GHz frequency band. Using the latest in State of the Art GaN devices, gain flatness is 4.0dB peak to peak and requires 32V at 40A Max. Suitable for use with all modulations standards requiring high power and wide band coverage.  While having a small form factor and lightweight, it has built-in protection circuits, high reliability and ruggedness. Typical applications include High Power Testing EMI/RFI, EW and Communications.